on Saturday, December 12th 2009, LC Universitas Diponegoro held an "Open House '09 Let's Get Closer to AIESEC". This Open House was held at Gedung PKK Semarang from 9 am to 1 pm.
Why we held this "Open House '09"?
Well, this event was mainly invited for AIESECers' parents. So, the main purpose why we held this event was to make a same perception about what AIESEC is, to introduce closer about AIESEC to parents, and strengthen a good relationship between AIESEC LC Universitas Diponegoro members, BoAs, and AIESEC member's parents.
This event consists of 2 talkshows:
1. AIESEC in making the member's good characteristic
The speaker of this talkshow was Mrs. Hj. Sri Rahayu Hadi Pranomo (our LCP's mother), Mrs. Dra. Frieda NRH MS (Psychologist), and Nurmia Dwi Agustina (MCVP External Relation AIESEC Indonesia)
Our LCP's mom was telling about the differences between Khaleed's characteristic before he was not an AIESEC member and after he was being an AIESEC member and LCP until now. She told so touchy that Khaleed showed a significant change after he is being an AIESEC member until now. Good job our LCP, Khaleed ! :)
Nurmia Dwi Agustina, MCVP External Relation AIESEC Indonesia, also told her experience during handling AIESEC Indonesia. She told that AIESEC doesn't disturb her study anymore, even AIESEC helps her how to do a lot of duties at the same time well-done.
And, guess what? at the end of talkshow, Khaleed gave a small surprise to his mom! For commemorating Mother's Day in this December, Khaleed gave a white rose to his mom, a symbol of his gratitude since his mom and other mothers in this world have done a good job in caring their children until now. oh, this moment was so touchy that Khaleed's mom dropped her tears. thanks our mom :)
2. Exchange and The Impact to Society
The speaker of this talkshow was Dimas Suryo (Exchange Participant from Universitas Diponegoro to India), La Gusti Negeri (Exchange Participant from Universitas Diponegoro to China), and Mr. M. Tri Prasetyo (Branch Manager of Indosat Solo and founder of AIESEC LC Universitas Diponegoro)
All of them were telling their experience during having an exchange program and the impact that they got after having the exchange program to their selves and then to the society. This talkshow also very interesting that everybody had a big curiosity about EXCHANGE! :D
At the end of talkshow, the Organizing Committee had a call via Skype with Tisa (LCP LC Universitas Diponegoro 2003/2004) who lives in Norway now. She told the audience how AIESEC gave an impact to herself and then to society, and how AIESEC Global Exchange Program gave a life-changing experience to herself. Nice, she was so inspiring us :)
Well, hopefully this post can open our mind about how big the impact of AIESEC and Global Exchange Program to ourselves. That we are created as the next future leader to give positive impact to society
see ya in the next update yaa :)
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