Sunday, June 12, 2011



AIESEC UNDIP - Finally, after having 2 steps of selection (Focus Group Discussion and Interview) in Open Recruitment, here we would like to say bunch of Thank You for UNDIP students who are eager to develop your leadership potential here in AIESEC by applying for members of AIESEC.And now, we're giving you the announcement who are UNDIP students that officially become AIESEC members

Afifah Atsari Psikologi 2010
Agil Lastianto Administrasi Bisnis 2010
Ahmad Tamlikha Lingkungan 2010
Andreas Widhi Akuntansi 2009
Anisa Faramita Arsitektur  2010
Anita Permatasari Administrasi Bisnis 2010
Anoldy Agus Saputra Psikologi 2009
Antysa Chlara N Administrasi Bisnis 2010
Benny Syahputra Teknik Perkapalan 2010
Cynthia Dastiana Manajemen 2009
Devie Amelia Nurul A FKM 2010
Dewi Rosarina R. Akuntansi 2010
Dira Ayu Krisnawati Manajemen 2010
Fathurrahman Ilmu Keperawatan 2010
Fitri Nur H. Komunikasi 2010
Gita M. Teknik Industri 2009
Grace Oliviati Teknik Industri 2009
Heri Atapson V. Girsang Akuntansi 2010
Intan Soraya Akuntansi 2010
Irene Rosa Lululangi Manajemen 2010
Janet Alvionita Akuntansi 2010
L.S. Lintang Kinanti Ilmu Keperawatan 2010
Laella Nuzullia Planologi 2010
Maria Grafiliesta Akuntansi 2009
Muhamad Syahirul Alim IESP 2010
Nicolaus Gerry C.H. Manajemen 2009
Nurrahman Wahid Akuntansi 2009
Rheno Rudy Yusetiyono Hukum 2010
Rizky Nur Amalia Psikologi 2009
Sarah Retno Astrini FKM 2010
Septika Rosiana Teknik Industri 2009
Septina Lia T. Hukum 2010
Shabrina Widyanti Manajemen 2010
Shima Mayrina C. Ilmu Pemerintahan 2009
Sinta Irawati Teknik Industri 2009
Sonya Venessa Psikologi 2009
Vaditra Manajemen 2010
Wisda Pridatoe Sastra inggris 2010
Wisnu Pratama Putra H Administrasi Bisnis 2010
Yulistra Ivo Komunikasi 2010

For those who are accepted as new members, soon we'll send you message for the preparation of Welcoming Ceremony for new members on June 13th 2011
For those who are not accepted, don't worry because you can still involve in AIESEC by participating in our projects, going on eXchange, or being Host Family or Buddy

For applying eXchange kindly contact :
Amanda Umihani (085641171175)

For applying Host Family or Buddy kindly contact:
Gilang Wahyu Prawirasani (085715407062)
Kiky Rizkiana (081901597598)

See You in AIESEC!

AIESECly Yours,

Friday, June 10, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Interview Schedule


AIESEC UNDIP - Thank You for the Applicants who are eager to apply for being AIESEC members and undergo the 1st step of selection which is Focus Group Discussion. Here we'd like to announce the applicants who passed the Focus Group Discussion and can undergo the next step which is Interview Session.

*if you can't see the schedule clearly, you can do right-click, click on view image in new tab, and zoom it in


The Interview will be held on:
when : Saturday, June 11th 2011
at 8am - 4pm
where : Aula Teknik Arsitektur UNDIP Tembalang lantai 3

And we notice you to obey this rules :

1. If you can't come at your schedule time based on the schedule above, please confirm to Ibnu (085695651991) and rearrange your schedule based on your availability time before Today at 9 pmIf you're not confirming back to Ibnu, we'll admit you can come based on the schedule above
2. Come to Interview Session maximum 15 minutes before your schedule and DON'T BE LATE
3. Do confirm to Ibnu (085695651991) 1 hour before coming to the place that you'll be exactly coming to Interview
4. Wear proper cloth -minimum Formal Shirt and Shoes (kemeja dan sepatu)

For those who didn't pass the Focus Group Discussion, you still can involve in AIESEC by going on Exchange or being Host Family or buddy of people from outside Indonesia who come to Semarang.

For applying Exchange kindly contact :
Amanda Umihani (085641171175)
For applying Host Family or buddy contact :
Gilang Wahyu Prawirasani (085715140762)


AIESECly Yours,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Focus Group Discussion Schedule


After closing the opportunity for grabbing the Application Form for being AIESEC members, here we'd like to announce the schedule for Focus Group Discussion (1st step of Selection) :

*if you can't see the schedule clearly, please do right-click on the schedule, click link in new tab and zoom in for seeing clearly

CONGRATULATION for all the Appicants who will undergo the 1st step of selection to be AIESEC member which is Focus Group Discussion. And we notice you to obey this rules :

1. If you can't come at your schedule time based on the schedule above, please confirm to Ibnu (085695651991) and rearrange your schedule based on your availability time before Monday, June 6th 2011 at 15.00
If you're not confirming back to Ibnu, we'll admit you can come based on the schedule above
2. Come to Focus Group Discussion maximum 15 minutes before your schedule and DON'T BE LATE
3. Do confirm to Ibnu (085695651991) 1 hour before coming to the place that you'll be exactly coming to Focus Group Discussion
4. Wear proper cloth for undergoing the Focus Group Discussion

The Focus Group Discussion will be held :
when : Tuesday - Thursday, June 7th - 9th 2011 at 1pm - 4pm
where : 1st floor of Fakultas Hukum UNDIP Tembalang

GOOD LUCK APPLICANTS and see you on Focus Group Discussion

AIESECly Yours,