Saturday, December 13, 2008

mantra ( training ) 08

MANTRA (another name of INTRA) on LC UD was held on Saturday, 29th November 2008 in Internet Laboratory (UPK). MANTRA is 3rd part of MEC which is give some education to all newie about mantra was succed because all newie were exciting to participate on this event.

The theme of this mantra was “SPY” which all member had to use “SPY Dresscode” (but actually it didn’t works properly hehehe). The OCP of MANTRA, Ridwan Zia Kusumah says “I’m very greatfull to handle this event, it was fun and made me a little bit stress (especially to determine the spot of MANTRA) but thx god, my OC and I could solve that problem”. He also wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped and gave him an opportunities to become an OCP (thx to imam, fadil, toki, Mas khaleed,Tegar, mba rima and the others) coz he definetely got many learnings from that.

In generally the materials of this mantra were about to maximize the feature of especially explain how help the exchange process. See u on the NEXT MANTRA
-OC team-

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