Friday, November 19, 2010

Local Committee Conference 1


After having new members batch 2010, we held Local Committee Conference 1 (LCC 1) on November 5th, 6th, 7th 2010 in Wisma PLN Semarang. This event was brought to AIESEC members especially for the new members to get closer with AIESEC, develop their leadership potential, and bring them to achieve their vision through AIESEC. Approximately 60 members attended this Local Committee Conference 1 as delegates including Exchange Participants Returnee from UPN Yogyakarta and UNDIP. And this conference was conducted by our MCP of AIESEC Indonesia, Ika Rahmayutari, as the Chair.

What did we do there?
1. Day 1
As the facilitators of this conference, The Executive Board of AIESEC UNDIP 10/11 delivered session about AIESEC knowledge, such as AIESEC Way, AIESEC History, AIESEC Structure, etc. In the end of Day 1, we had a party with Halloween theme, it's aimed to get closer each other between new members and senior ones.

2. Day 2
The facilitators delivered session about the importance of Exchange + Leadership, Project Management, Department Knowledge, and Personal Goal Setting (to know the expectation and career path of new members in AIESEC). We also invited external speakers from Trax FM Semarang who was also the Vice President of OutGoing eXchange AIESEC UNDIP 09/10 (Andina Dwi Kanti). She delivered session about Public Speaking. The Alumni and senior members of AIESEC UNDIP also came and shared their AIESEC experience there in the evening. In the end of Day 2, we had party again with Vintage theme.

3. Day 3
In the last day of Local Committee Conference 1, the facilitators delivered session about mentoring, full membership criteria to the new members. The senior members got new knowledge about how to fill Performance Appraisal, and also "What Kind of Manager am I?" from external speaker which is HUCLE, our Talent Management Partner. We also invited Mas Bimo as the founder of AIESEC UNDIP to share the founder's struggle in establishing AIESEC UNDIP. And the last we had sharing and evaluation of this conference.

Keep your eyes on our next update about how the new members are developed in AIESEC :)

AIESECly Yours,

Ika Rahmayutari, MCP of AIESEC Indonesia, as Chair who conducted LCC 1

The Executive Board AIESEC UNDIP 10/11 as the Facilitators

The delegates of LCC 1

The facilitators delivered the session by giving the theory, asking the delegates to discuss in each group, and present it in front

The Halloween Party!

1 comment:

kurnia said...

nice conference !! yeayyyy