Tuesday, August 2, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Big Road Show of 'Green Light Army Project'


AIESEC UNDIP - Hundred students were coming to Green Light Army Project Big Road Show at SMA N 1 Semarang

AIESEC UNDIP - On July, 14th 2011  The Green Light Army Project has held a BIG RAODSHOW at SMAN 1 Semarang with the theme was “ The Earth is Our Breath” started at 1pm. This event was aimed to change the mindset of the participants (Junior High School students in Semarang) so that they more concern with the environment and invited them to do simple things to have a major impact.

On the opening, the participant watched together the video about environmental problems. After watching the videos, the participant guided to follow sharing session with the Exchange Participants from the UK , Poland, and China. 

Hopefully through this event students can be more concerned about environment, by taking the first step with their own way to keep the earth saved and comfortable to be lived in. 

AIESECly Yours,

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