Aiesec National Conference (ANC) is an event where all aiesec members of Indonesia gather in one place. The ANC II themed “dare to dream dare to inspire” was held on January 27-30 2009 and it took place at Wisma LPMP Srondol Semarang. The special thing from this ANC was the election process to choose new president Aiesec Indonesia term 09/10, which is called MCP. And also there was election to choose Vice president who help MCP to run Aiesec Indonesia, or called MCVP. The OC Records this ANC had followed by about 80 delegates and most of them were the executive member and successor from each LC.
Shortly, it could be described that the programs of ANC II were running well. During 4 days and 3 nights, the ANC always started with opening plennary and ended with some cool parties. In opening plennary, there were roll dance (the unique dance that only aiesec has), gossip box, punishment, and wishes. The parties held with some theme such as Latino style and drakula night. It was really fun!
On the first day (27 January 09), the ANC II started at 1 pm. And officially opened by Dante the chair of ANC II from mexico. After that, the delegates got a presentation about “Aiesesc way”, in generally this material explained about what makes @ difference with another organization, and it really useful for delegates to increase understanding about @ and get answer why @ way are really good and important for them. Little boring but it had to be learnt, rite??!hehe. The next session was about learning from NGO which was care about the spread of HIV/AIDS from injection, they called themselves “PERFORMA”. Every delegates seemed enthusiastic and curious, it can be seen from a lot of questions that they asked for. The session was interesting! Besides there were great games about HIV spreads and also there was simulation about how to use condoms properly. “I swear to god, this is my first time to use condom! I feel disgusting at first, the condom a little bit sticky coz the rubber surface was covering with some liquid..but it was pretty good for my sex education hehe”, said Eka one of delegates from LC UD. Good Job PERFORMA!.....After dinner,learning network day session was held by 3 entrepreneurs from India who helped LC UD to run PBOX entreprenurship.They were Kuntal, Sudhir and Sidhard and They were so inspiring and pushing our spirit to become a young entrepreneur. COOL!....The last session on the first day was latino dance party which was held at 11 pm. There was a competition about latino dances and every LC sent their representatives. Everyone were so creative and made a free style latino dances!haha.
On the 2nd and 3rd day (28-29 january 2009), it was all about MCP & MCVP election. After opening plennary, there were education about the election process of MCP. And then the election was held. First, Jenni the MCVP Exchange and also the only one candidate for MCP explained to all delegates about her vision, strategies, and why she applied MCP 09/10. She delivered clearly and straight to the point. Every single questions from every LC, could answered that made everyone satisfied, no wonder why she had been chosen and officially replaced Apajarita Deb as the MCP 08/09. Congratulations jenni!!
As if didn’t want to lose from the process of MCP, all MCVP participants performed outstanding too. On the MCVP election, there were 3 candidates for MCVP Talent Management (such as HRD in @). Noah from LC Bandung, Masaru from Aiesec Japan, and Natasha from aiesec Slovakia. And there were only one candidate for MCVP Finance, Andra from LC Bandung. Especially for Natasha and Masaru, they delivered their motivation with 10 minutes video, short but it could affected everyone. Just like what Jenni did, Andra and Noah also very great when explained about their vision and strategies. They presentation were good and make everyone felt admire (about their motivation to apply MCVP). Finally after the long process, This 4 candidates were chosen and passed to the next round. Congratulations everyone!
On 4 th day (30 January 2009) After opening plennary there was held video competition, about promotion Aiesec Indonesia. Every LC made a great video and it really had made the judges confused to choose the winner. The judges were all international delegates, and they were kylie,marlies, and Doria ( LCP from LC Malaysia). Finally they decided that video promotion from LC UD became the winner!! Yeah.. “Honestly we got headache to determine who is the best, but based on criteria such as : information, creativity, and uniqueness, we finally chose LC UD as the best video promotion, every LC made an outstanding Video, but LC UD gave more information about the current activities in UD and so much interesting event especially about PBOX Environment! Good Job LC UD!” Said Kelly one of the judges. After the competition, the delegates went to the serious moment. The Topic was about analyze current LC condition. Every delegates were decided into several groups, first session mixed up and 2nd session based on per LC. It had so many learnings & inspiring moment, coz every delegates could share about the strength and weaknesses of their LC to another. But before the first session started, they gathered based on their department, such as communication, ICX, TM, etc and they analyzed current condition of department (all LC) snd wrote down the results into the flipchart and stick up to the wall. Every LC could follow the activites which they thought better than them, just like how succesfull open recruiment LC Bandung, and another LC could get learning from that. This session gave many advanteges, one of them had make all LC in Indonesia can achieve their goals and hopefully become the best @ in the world..Yeah Spirit!
When the clock shown at 6 pm, The ANC II officially ended, and it was time to the last closing plennary. In this sesssion every delegates sharing about their experiences when joined ANC II. “This ANC II was very great, there were so much session that made me realized that @ always give positive impact to the members,,it was so inspiring & pushing me to become a better person such as how to become a great leaders! and i want to say thanks to the OCP and all the OC who held this ANC II became a great events, I’m very satisfied about the services, especially the foods and the bedroom, good job! Thanks to LC UD as the host events in this time. You makes me proud guys!” Said Widy, VP Comm from LC Surabaya. After sharing we prayed together..and we were taking pictures together..and everyone went to their homes.
In fact, there were many session in ANC II, such as DHL conference, SONA & SOGA, Dracula Party, and many more. But because we only have limited space, so we dont have any chance to write that. It will keep safe in our memory,,rite?.
Thanks to Nanda as OCP ANC II and her OC, you did a great jobs guys! thanks to all the speaker such as NGO Performa, DHL Indonesia, 3 Entrepreneurs from India and thanks to the companies who became our sponsored: MARIMAS, SUARA MERDEKA, BNI 46 and also last but not least thanks to all delegates from 6 LC who participated in This ANC. See u in the Next ANC!!!:)