Saturday, October 8, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Interview Exchange Schedule

AIESEC UNDIP - Thank you for you who applying for Exchange and take a part at Focus Discussion Group. Here we'd like to announce the schedule for Interview Session.

Electra A
Damar Jiwo Kuntoprasetyo
Haidi Sabrina
Fahmi Haikal
Arifia Yasmin
Mindo Siboro

Hasna Safira
Ernita Rahmawati
Fahnizar Daddy
Ajeng Anggi
Realino Pandan
Wildan Suryaningrat

M.Ibnu Sina
Aditya Bonavasius P
Norma Raini
Irene Rosa
Jacob B
Defrina Anggraeni
Hafidhatun Nabawiyah

Novya KP
Ika NIndyas Ranita
Yogie Satria T
Aurelia Dewantoro
Ajeng Halia SAS
Wijaya Woro
Mohamad Taufik

Cleo Syahana
Septika Rosiana

Congratulation for you who passed the Focus Discussion Group. The Interview Session will be held:
Sunday, October 9th 2011
Ayam Bakar Kaliwang, Jl. Mulawarman Raya. Tembalang.

And we notice you to obey this rules:
1. If you can't come at your schedule time based on schedule above, please confirm to Ocin (089668352506) and rearrange you schedule based on your availability time before Sunday, October 9th 2011 at 6am. If you're not confirming back to Ocin, we'll admit you can come based in schedule above.
2. Come to Interview Session maximum 15 minutes before your schedule.
3. Wear proper cloth minimum Formal Shirt and Shoes.

AIESECly Yours,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - How to be an AIESEC member?

AIESEC UNDIP - If you are college students and don't know what to do in your free time, it's your turn to develop your leadership potential by joining AIESEC.

There are 2 ways to join AIESEC:

1. For you who are 2010 and 2011 year students, you can join the OPEN RECRUITMENT
    (but if you really want to go EXCHANGE, to apply for exchange you can get the application form   
    through EXCHANGE FAIR 2011)

2. For you who are 2009 or higher years student, the only way for you to join AIESEC UNDIP is by going on
    EXCHANGE, to apply for exchange you can get the application form through EXCHANGE FAIR 2011

Those 2 ways to be AIESEC members are the same including the flow of selection process, but the thing that distinguish it is the grade in your college to enroll AIESEC and the flow:

  • If you go on exchange first, you'll develop your leadership potential first abroad and after coming back to Indonesia you'll be automatically become an AIESEC member
  • If you are accepted as AIESEC UNDIP members in OPEN RECRUITMENT, you'll develop your leadership potential in AIESEC UNDIP first then you can go for exchange anytime you want

So, don't be confused about the two opportunities that we offer to you. Keep doing effort to realize your dream to be AIESEC member!

AIESECly Yours,

AIESEC UNDIP - YOUTH TALK! 2nd Edition "When Creativity meets Opportunity"

AIESEC UNDIP - On September 29th 2011 in Buket Koffee + Jazz Cafe, AIESEC UNDIP held their second edition of "Youth Talk". Youth Talk aims to engage every youth to speak up and share their idea to the world. So they can get inspired by the sharing and do an action after share their thought in Youth Talk. In this September Edition, the committee take creative industry as the theme and titled, "When Creativity meets Opportunity", and 66 people attended this event. Speaking about creative industry, Noviaji Wibisono from Becak Mabur Agency shared his experience of what he has been doing in creative industry and how its works to earn money from creativity itself.

Also three person, from the official distribution of MAICIH, Afryan, Aprian, and Prima, shared their experience of doing creative selling of the product through social media. The audience were very enthusiast during all of the session, because of the theme were being so popular today, in the middle of entrepreneurship spirit among the youth.
AIESECly yours