Saturday, October 8, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Interview Exchange Schedule

AIESEC UNDIP - Thank you for you who applying for Exchange and take a part at Focus Discussion Group. Here we'd like to announce the schedule for Interview Session.

Electra A
Damar Jiwo Kuntoprasetyo
Haidi Sabrina
Fahmi Haikal
Arifia Yasmin
Mindo Siboro

Hasna Safira
Ernita Rahmawati
Fahnizar Daddy
Ajeng Anggi
Realino Pandan
Wildan Suryaningrat

M.Ibnu Sina
Aditya Bonavasius P
Norma Raini
Irene Rosa
Jacob B
Defrina Anggraeni
Hafidhatun Nabawiyah

Novya KP
Ika NIndyas Ranita
Yogie Satria T
Aurelia Dewantoro
Ajeng Halia SAS
Wijaya Woro
Mohamad Taufik

Cleo Syahana
Septika Rosiana

Congratulation for you who passed the Focus Discussion Group. The Interview Session will be held:
Sunday, October 9th 2011
Ayam Bakar Kaliwang, Jl. Mulawarman Raya. Tembalang.

And we notice you to obey this rules:
1. If you can't come at your schedule time based on schedule above, please confirm to Ocin (089668352506) and rearrange you schedule based on your availability time before Sunday, October 9th 2011 at 6am. If you're not confirming back to Ocin, we'll admit you can come based in schedule above.
2. Come to Interview Session maximum 15 minutes before your schedule.
3. Wear proper cloth minimum Formal Shirt and Shoes.

AIESECly Yours,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - How to be an AIESEC member?

AIESEC UNDIP - If you are college students and don't know what to do in your free time, it's your turn to develop your leadership potential by joining AIESEC.

There are 2 ways to join AIESEC:

1. For you who are 2010 and 2011 year students, you can join the OPEN RECRUITMENT
    (but if you really want to go EXCHANGE, to apply for exchange you can get the application form   
    through EXCHANGE FAIR 2011)

2. For you who are 2009 or higher years student, the only way for you to join AIESEC UNDIP is by going on
    EXCHANGE, to apply for exchange you can get the application form through EXCHANGE FAIR 2011

Those 2 ways to be AIESEC members are the same including the flow of selection process, but the thing that distinguish it is the grade in your college to enroll AIESEC and the flow:

  • If you go on exchange first, you'll develop your leadership potential first abroad and after coming back to Indonesia you'll be automatically become an AIESEC member
  • If you are accepted as AIESEC UNDIP members in OPEN RECRUITMENT, you'll develop your leadership potential in AIESEC UNDIP first then you can go for exchange anytime you want

So, don't be confused about the two opportunities that we offer to you. Keep doing effort to realize your dream to be AIESEC member!

AIESECly Yours,

AIESEC UNDIP - YOUTH TALK! 2nd Edition "When Creativity meets Opportunity"

AIESEC UNDIP - On September 29th 2011 in Buket Koffee + Jazz Cafe, AIESEC UNDIP held their second edition of "Youth Talk". Youth Talk aims to engage every youth to speak up and share their idea to the world. So they can get inspired by the sharing and do an action after share their thought in Youth Talk. In this September Edition, the committee take creative industry as the theme and titled, "When Creativity meets Opportunity", and 66 people attended this event. Speaking about creative industry, Noviaji Wibisono from Becak Mabur Agency shared his experience of what he has been doing in creative industry and how its works to earn money from creativity itself.

Also three person, from the official distribution of MAICIH, Afryan, Aprian, and Prima, shared their experience of doing creative selling of the product through social media. The audience were very enthusiast during all of the session, because of the theme were being so popular today, in the middle of entrepreneurship spirit among the youth.
AIESECly yours

Thursday, September 22, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP Open Recruitment 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Open Recruitment 2011

Hi Future Leaders,
AIESEC UNDIP have open recruitment for all students of UNDIP,
You can grab the application form
from monday until friday at 9am-3pm. in :

Gedung A Lantai 2 From September 12-October 6, 2011

Gedung PKM From September 14-15, 2011

Teknik Arsitek
Gedung A From September 16-19, 2011

Teknik Sipil
From September 20-21, 2011

From September 22-23, 2011

From September 26-27, 2011

Teknik Industri
From September 28-29, 2011

From September 30 and October 3, 2011

From October 4-5, 2011

Be a part of the largest organization then develop your leadership potential? Why not.

for further information, visit:
twitter : @AIESECUNDIP  #oprec2011

contact person
Leditya Jayati: 085641184702
Sinta Irawati : 08179122600

AIESECly yours

AIESEC UNDIP Environment Day

AIESEC UNDIP-Environment Day


Don't miss the Environment day
(closing session of Green Light Army 2011)

Sunday, 25th Sept at 6am
Place: halaman KODIM (beside 3 SHS)
depan balai kota JL.PEMUDA

Show your care with :

Painting trash bin campaign (for public area),
      Reg. fee: IDR 70.000 for each team

and you will get FREE TBI (The British Institute) voucher (1jt) for 10team.
and FREE for NGOs and EPs sharing
(China, Netherland, China, Germany, Japan, Czech Republic,etc)

Come on!
Improve your knowledge and JOIN us!

CP :
Intan : 085697539128
Wisda : 089668383614

AIESECly yours,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Subscribe Our Newsletter. Newsletter for August is Out!

AIESEC UNDIP - August Newsletter is out! Subscribe it now by clicking this link 

AIESECly Yours,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

EXCHANGE FAIR 2011 info session

AIESEC UNDIP - Do you want to develop your leadership and get many friends from overseas? Exchange through AIESEC is the best way for you!

Grab a great opportunity to go exchange to China, Poland,etc for 6-8 weeks. You can work on Social Project in the issue of environment, children, and many more. Moreover, you can expand your network, live in diversity, and feel the life-changing experience.

So, what are you waiting for? Come to our Info Session and get all the information about Exchange.

Contact Person:
Cynthia Dastiana (089968352506)
Laella (085641793493)

Come to our Info Session

FEB UNDIP, Gedung PKM Lantai 2, start at 10pm.
UNIKA, Ruang Serba Guna HCB 1.3, start at 1pm.

POLINNES Audit Sekolah Lt1 at 07.00-09.00 WIB
FPIK UNDIP, Dekanat Lt3 at 09.00-11.00 WIB

FT UNDIP Teknik Elektro Gedung B Ruang 305-306 at 10.00-12.00 WIB

Get all the information about Exchange through AIESEC and dare yourself to explore your leadership potential! :)
 AIESECly yours,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Apply for Management Internship Abroad!


AIESEC UNDIP - As our concern to develop youth leadership potential by sending them to have exchange experience, we open you an opportunity to have internship abroad in Management Internship!

If you are last year or under-graduate students, grab this opportunity fast!

Management Internship The student has the opportunity to work in a company, NGO, government, university or other organisation and will spend the majority of his/her time working in areas related to management. These areas may include finance, accounting, marketing, project management, organisational management or human resources.

enhance your CV by gaining professional working experience abroad
- Experience DIVERSITY in terms of job and working culture
- AIESEC has global partner, in which they are open to accept you as an intern. And the best part regarding global partner is we have global coordinators that would separate your application from the others since you are AIESEC representative!
- A variety of leadership opportunities in different areas and have an environment that lets you run with your ideas
- Alumni, strong networks, global perspective and friends all over the world!
Countries: these are the countries we are partnered with, but there are opportunities also for other countries besides these 4 :
required background of courses studied for MT:
Market Evaluation and Research
International Marketing
Advertising + Public Relations
Introductory Marketing
Project Management
Consumer + Buyer Behavior
Retail + Sales Marketing
Introductory management / Business Administration
Organization Management + Planning
Product Planning, Development & Control 

Come to Management Traineeship Info Session
September 14th 2011 at 08.40 am
in A3.10 Sastra Jepang FIB UNDIP

Info : Amanda Umihani +62856 4117 1175

AIESECly Yours,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - 18 Japanese in "Indonesia-Japan in Action!"

AIESEC UNDIP - Indonesia - Japan in Action! poster
AIESEC UNDIP - On September 11th 2011 at 11 am, AIESEC LC UNDIP held an event that gathered 300 Semarang people with 18 Japanese people in Parking Lot Sri Ratu Pemuda, which was InJaption (Indonesia - Japan in Action!). This event aimed to increase the awareness of Semarang people about the diversity of the world, share culture between Indonesia & Japan, and broaden the mindset of Semarang people. A lot of performance between Indonesia and Japan culture were showed in this event.

7 booths participated in this event. Booth of AIESEC was the booth to let people get info about AIESEC. Origami booth let people learn about art of flip the paper. Calligraphy booth let people to get Japanese letter (Hiragana and Katakana) of their names. People also could play both Japanese and Indonesian traditional games in Games booth. People can compare between the Japanese real comic and the Indonesian ones in Manga booth. Want to wear traditional Japanese outfit? There was also booth for Photo Session with Japanese outfit. Not only share culture, there was Exhibition booth that can let people to read the real condition of Japan after hit by tsunami and earthquake.

Coming as Study Tour students, 18 Japanese performed also in this event to show their culture, such as dancing Soran-Bushi (dance for fishing), Para-Para (flirting the boys), and singing Japanese songs. 18 Japanese also got new culture from Indonesia with Semarangan Dance and Traditional Song choir. Not to forget we also have Parade Band to let youth in Semarang who interest with Japanese culture performed their band to our friends from Japan. And also Cosplay Competition with 18 Japanese as the judges.

Fahry Maulana as the Organizing Committee President of InJaption said that it's the last event of his series of project. As a closing of his project, he has done several events such as Breakout Youth Camp, Roadshow to High School about HIV/AIDS, Video Making Competition, and Exhibition Day. Hopefully, this last event will give an impact to society for the awareness of making peace through countries.

Read the news also in Suara Merdeka, September 12th 2011 here

AIESECly Yours,

AIESEC UNDIP - 18 Japanese were dancing Soran-Bushi
AIESEC UNDIP - 18 Japanese sang songs together with Semarang people

Saturday, September 10, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Novalia's Exchange Experience in India

AIESEC UNDIP - Nova went for Exchange to India
AIESEC UNDIP - I went to Chandigarh on 18th July 2011 and start my Internship working at Environment Society of India, it is one of NGOs in Chandigarh. Many interns were working with me, from Indonesia, Ukraine, Brazil, Chinese, Poland, and Turkey. They are so nice, smart and really easy to get into society. And also, Karan Garg, my beloved Organizing Committee President in my project.

My friends and I worked as a team decided group to group and everyday (Monday to Saturday) we went to different school to educate student about how to keep our environment clean. Our theme was Low Carbon Life Style. It was a nice theme which we were talking about Water, Electricity, Trees, Kitchen, Climate, Global Warming, etc. It was amazing to see Indian Students, they were so very active, I found something different between Indonesian and Indian students, they keep asking a question and their English is very good. And everyday we went by Autoriksh, it is same like bajaj in Indonesia. We do always bargain before take it, try to make a driver to understand because they speak hindi :D and also because of it I know a little bit hindi about one to ten :D . It was so crowded but funny and that’s interesting. This was really an amazing project.

I am very happy to have friends around the world, to talk with everybody from different countries in the trainee house, sleeping together, sharing food together, ate so many different food from their countries (Ukraine, Kyrgyztan, Chinese, Nigerian food), and also at night we were singing our anthem together, everything wass friendly and we were so happy. I will really miss that moment with them. And also had some trip with them to red fort, rajghat, taj mahal,India gate, akbar tomb, Lotus Temple, and Rock garden.

Everything with them In India was one of the amazing moment even in my life, I won’t forget all these things, Chandigarh, Delhi, all Indian friends, all friends, all AIESECers, every single place that I passed, every food.

That’s right if you say:
India is very dirty and bad smell
India is not developed
Why do you want to go to India, can’t you choose another country?

Bla.. bla.. people said it to me before I flied to India. I knew it before and I didn’t take a big tension what they talk or think about India. But after I saw the real, here the hospitality is totally different. Indian people help you everywhere everytime here, you go somewhere they will give you water to drink, they try to understand what you say in English, they care for you even you’re not their family, but because you are foreigner in their country they keep GOOD name of INDIA through their selves. I realy love India, I hope my country Indonesia will keep good relation always with India.

August 31, 2011 I left India. Acctualy it must be on 13th of September, but my project was already done on August so I changed to 30 August but there was a problem, I was late while check in. I really got drop and did not what I should do again because I lost also my ATM. But at that time my best friend Rohit, he is only the friend who accompanied me in the airport, helped me out with Azad to solve my problem, they rearranged for my ticket again, I was confused they did so much to me, through their selves I learned about WHAT THE MEANING OF FRIEND IS, they make friends not only for fun or what, but they did care each other, thanks God I have them as my best friend.
It was amazing EXPERIENCE that I got and I learned many things from my internship. I felt lucky that I can go for Global Exchange Program through AIESEC this year. It helped me so much in my future, I got my working experience, saw and learn manythings, how we face up different people with different thought, how we can make a good society with the new environment, and how we accept the new culture. I went there and here, met there and here, and on the way its self I found a big big learning.

Finaly, Thanks GOD I felt how was it being an Exchange Participant and doing an internship. It's super cool!! Many challenges that I had to face. We could not make that condition like Indonesian. I had to understand and learned everything here. And I got it very easy ;)

Thanks INDIA, Thanks INDIAN, you gave me a new spirit to face up my life for future, a fresh mind and strong foot for struggling in my study and my activities life, and also you make me more confident, and a big big thank you for :


I know I will leave India, I didn’t know what I felt when leave India Land. I will never wake up and see Indian, hear hindi everywhere everytime, rarely to findout Indian dishes, all of these already touch my life and become unite in my blood. If you ask me, would you like to come back? I will answer: "if I got good job I loved to. So I will never say “Good Bye” to this country ;) SEE YOU after 5 years... :)" 

Novalia Gultom
Student of Environmental Engineering year 2009
Manager in Incoming Exchange AIESEC LC UNDIP 11/12

Contact Amanda Umihani for going on Exchange

AIESECly Yours,

AIESEC UNDIP - Nova and Indian people
AIESEC UNDIP - Indian people that Nova met
AIESEC UNDIP - Exchange and traveling

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Accident in Sragen. All Trainees are Safe

Official Communication of AIESEC UNDIP

Semarang, Indonesia.
04:39 PM

AIESEC UNDIP - On Friday, September 2nd 2011, 12 Exchange Participants were going to Mount Bromo by two cars with Surya Tour and Travel Agency. On the way to Mount Bromo, one of the cars had an accident in Sragen at 4 AM. The car hit a truck that stopped in front of Harmony Supermarket, Jalan Raya Sukowati, when the truck was going to turn right. The driver passed away in this accident, 3 Exchange Participants have serious injuries, 3 other Exchange Participants have minor injuries, and 2 local citizens have minor injuries.

Planning to have a vacation in Mount Bromo in this Eid holiday, misery came to our Exchange Participants. Leaving with two cars at 2 AM from Semarang, the driver was sleepy during the ride and drove at a high speed. One of the two cars, driven by Mr. Mujiyana Prasetya (40 years old), hit a truck carrying ice cubes that had stopped to turn right at the three way junction in front of Harmony Supermarket. The victims were directly brought to a nearby hospital and unfortunately, the driver passed away in the hospital.

Exchange Participants that got serious injuries are Sophia Reimann (20 years old) from Germany, who got fractures in her left leg, Bartosz S. (22 years old) from Poland got injured in his backbone, and Liu Biyin (22 years old) from China had bleeding in his vital organs. Now, they are being hospitalized in Elisabeth Hospital, Semarang. Marie (22 years old) in Germany, Candy (22 years old) from China, and Sandra (20 years old) from Germany are safe.

Now, all of the Exchange Participants who got serious injuries are getting medical treatment in the hospital and they need your support and prayers for their recovery. No need to worry about this situation.

p.s.: We apologize for the late official information that we give because we are collecting the right information from our Trainees

Testimony from the victims

AIESECly Yours,

Friday, September 2, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Exchange Fair 2011

Do you want to live in diversity and expand your network?

Exchange through AIESEC is the right way for you!


Exchange Fair 2011 at your campus.

Prepare your self!

AIESECly Yours,

Thursday, September 1, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Exhibition Day of NSN Project

AIESEC UNDIP - NSN Project Exhibition Day held in Vina House Jl. Diponegoro No. 29 on August 13, 2011, there were 100 participants from high school to college and general in order to provide counseling with HIV / AIDS and announced the winners of the Video Competition.

The 1st winner went to SMA 9 represented by Salsa, 2nd winner from SMA 3, and the 3rd winner from Fransiskus.

“Ya Allah.. aku seneng banget, ga nyangka dapat juara satu, padahal kami bikinnya cuman semalam, dan acara nya seru banget apalagi pada sesi terakhir, so sweet banget, surprise buat EP bikin suasana jadi mengharukan,” Said Salsa who is the winner of a video competition on Saturday (13 / 08/2011).

We brought 17 Exchange Participants, which were students from foreign countries who were collaborating on this project.  Some of them from Taiwan, China, Japan, Russia, Romania,Brazil, India etc. As a speaker we brought Dra Dwi Yanni L, M. Psi and Mr. Ngestiono from KPA. Beside that, came also as a representative from PlayOn as jury in the assessment of Video Competition.

The event ran from 13:00 to 16:00 pm. Opened with remarks from OCP NSN Project Fahry Maulana and closed with a surprise to EPs by granting eagle symbol on each  EPs with many candles too, what a touching atmosphere.

AIESECly Yours

AIESEC UNDIP - Green Light Army - Roadshow at SMP 21

AIESEC UNDIP - All of our roadshow begins early in the morning. This event was no exception. On the morning of August 12, all participants must have been nearby the SMP 21. We were very warmly welcomed, as always, and we were brought to the hall of our show. Today, the audience is not very big - only about 30 people.
For nearly two hours all of us were getting ready to the roadshow: EPs discussed their presentations, OCPs set up all necessary equipment to us. Discussion of presentations was very fun! At one moment I thought that all EPswere shocked by the content of their presentations! But despite all this it was necessary to present our project at its best. So, it all started.
First there was the formal part, speeches from both sides. Then Fathurin very nice waypresented our introductory presentation! It seemed that the children are very happy. But for the EPs that the event was not normal: almost all of it was in the Indonesian language ... in short, we did not understand anything except our own presentations.
By the way, speaking of presentations, then our show started! First, Fatima and Goncalo with their intelligent and informative presentation about the pollution. Further acted Anika and Michaela with «Chemical pollution», at all of them it was very consecutive and interesting, even one game took place in their presentation.Well, the following presentation was remembered by many, probably. I will remember presentation «Trees»all my life! It was cheerful! Especially Sharka).. Well, it all ended with a performance of Nikita, unfortunately the last in this project . We will miss you very much, dear!
Then again a part in the Indonesian language which remained for all EPs a riddle. We as always have made many amusing photos to that I am very glad! It remains in memory of each of us! By the way, now we have our own Justin Bieber – our belovedUli! He becomes really popular when it comes to taking pictures! We were earlier a star team, and now it isn't discussed at all!
Thanks to everyone who made this Roadshow! These moments will remain in the heart of every one of us! These special moments of life) ...
AIESECly Yours,

AIESEC UNDIP - NSN Youth Camp Project

AIESEC UNDIP - We held NSN Youth Camp Project at Mess Pertamina Jl. S Parman on 6-7 August 2011, the 45 participants were representatives for each High School like SMAN 3, SMAN 9, SMK 2, YSKI, NASHIMA, Francis, and St.Louis. They were there for the purpose of joining Video Making Training and shared about HIV / AIDS.

"Camp was really fun, can make me laugh, eventhough I am quiet person, I'll really miss you guys together, all of the EP's , AIESECers, and all my friends , thanks for everything," said Salsa (one of 9th High School representative) crying while on camp in the last session on Sunday (08/07/2011).
We brought 17 Exchange Participants, which were students from foreign countries who were collaborating on this project. Some of them from Taiwan, China, Japan, Russia, Romania,Brazil, India etc. In Video Making training , trained directly by PlayOn, a campus Making Video community in Communication UNDIP. In addition we also brought PLWHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS) or ODHA (Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS) in Indonesian. They were there to share and discuss about the story of her life with HIV/ AIDS.

The event ran from Saturday 15:00 pm - 14:00 pm Sunday. Opened with remarks byOCP NSN Project, Fahry Maulana. And closed with a photo session by all participants,by forming a red ribbon as a symbol of HIV / AIDS.
AIESECly Yours,

AIESEC UNDIP - Open Recruitment 2011

John Quincy Adams said , "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do mor

and become more, you are a leader."


Watch Out for September-October 2011!!

Follow us on Twitter @AIESECUNDIP #Oprec2011
AIESECly Yours, 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Indonesia Japan in Action !

AIESEC UNDIP - Indonesia Japan in Action
AIESEC UNDIP - Imagine that you meet more than 10 Japanese in your own city, Semarang..
Share anything about Indonesia to them..
Get the information about Japan directly from the native ones..
Exchange culture and knowledge with them..
Or share traditional games between two countries..

COMING SOON in the beginning of September 2011
(Indonesia - Japan in Action!)
Follow us on Twitter @AIESECUNDIP #InJaption

AIESECly Yours,


AIESEC UNDIP - Eid Greeting Card

AIESEC Local Committee Universitas Diponegoro wishes you a

The holy Syawal has come for us to purify our heart to begin a new life and to let all mistakes forgiven. There's no beautiful word to welcome the holy Syawal except pray and forgiveness. Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin.

AIESECly Yours,

Friday, August 26, 2011






AIESECly Yours,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Dimas' Story of His Exchange and Leadership Experience

AIESEC UNDIP - Dimas' Exchange and Leadership Experience
AIESEC UNDIP - I knew AIESEC from my brother who is also an AIESECer. My brother said, “If you really want to join an international organization, why don’t you just join AIESEC?”. Then, I tried to join AIESEC in the year of 2007, I failed. I didn’t really care about it at that moment. But in 2008, I really wanted to try to join this organization one more time because I really wanted to have friends from all over the world.  I also wanted to do exchange. So I tried to join AIESEC one more time in 2008, but again, I failed. I was shocked and I also hated AIESEC at that moment. Why didn’t you accept me? I know I’m the one you are looking for! That was my thought. A heart broken thought. Then, I put my dream to become an AIESECer away. I never thought about being an AIESECer afterwards. But in 2009, as I was walking around campus, I saw an AIESEC poster. On that poster, there was a picture of Kremlin, a presidential palace in Russia. I really wanted to go there. That was my dream. I looked for information about it, why they are displaying a picture of Kremlin in their poster.  When I looked at the top of the poster, I saw the words “Global Exchange Program”, but at that moment, I was still angry with AIESEC. 

One day, my boss at the student union, the organization where I worked after I got rejected by AIESEC, sent me as an envoy of that organization to one of the AIESEC events. There, I saw many friends of mine who already became an AIESECer. When I talked to one of them, her name was Fadhil, suddenly without any intention, I asked my friend about how to join that program. When that question came out from my mouth, I didn’t expect that they will answer my question. But the fact was different. My friend was so open to tell me about how to join this program. Then she appointed someone who later became my EP manager, Vera, to show me how to join this program. After she told me everything about this program, I was interested in joining. I decided to come to the selection, fulfill the whole requirement and attended the selection process. There were five applicants at that time. From five of them, they only selected 3 out of five and one of them was me. I still can’t believe when I got the text message from Vera, telling me that I got accepted as an Exchange Participant.

On July 20 2009, I went to Chandigarh for an internship in a rural development project.  I worked with 23 people from 8 different countries and my job was to teach English to the local people there. It was such a life changing experience because through exchange I got so many insight about countries where my friends came from and they broke many stereotypes that I brought from home. Seriously, exchange really can build the understanding between nations because if you go for an exchange, automatically you become an ambassador of Indonesia itself. So, you have an obligation to introduce your country to them and it was shocking when I realized that most of them didn’t know about Indonesia. And after I did some presentations about Indonesia, some of them planned to visit my country. 

Actually after I returned home, I didn’t have a plan to join AIESEC and participate more in AIESEC because I didn’t get what I expected when I was in India. I didn’t get what they promised me back then. But my Vice President of Talent Management at that time Rima offered me an opportunity to become an Organizing Committee of recruitment project. That was my first engagement with AIESEC. After I finished my job as an OC, I said to myself that this is enough. I don’t want to join AIESEC anymore. Because the workload was overwhelming and I wasn’t used to it. But then, my friend invited me to come to Local Committee Conference in AIESEC not long after I finished my recruitment project. I saw so many inspirational people there. One of them is Widy, Local Committee President of AIESEC Surabaya. I was so amazed when she gave her presentation. She made me feel challenged to contribute more in AIESEC. Not long after Local Committee Conference (LCC) there was National Leadership Development Seminar (NLDS) in Jakarta in December 2009. I saw a lot more inspirational people there. If in LCC I saw only one, in NLDS I saw so many of them.  There was a session to become a fictional Member Committee President or fake President of AIESEC Indonesia. I tried to challenge myself to try that one and finally I won. It was so unforgettable and such an amazing experience for me. So after I returned home, I made a promise to myself that I want to contribute more in AIESEC.

After I returned from India, there was a Leadership opportunity to become an Organizing Committee President of Local Committee Conference II. So I decided to apply for that position and I passed the screening. So here I am, finally I could complete my X+L in less than 1 year. I got so much learning in completing my X+L back then. What I got from my exchange was I learned how to get survived even in bitter situations and what I got from my Leadership Role in AIESEC was I learned how to run a project in AIESEC because I have to admit that how AIESEC runs a project is more professional than other student organizations in my campus. I'm so glad that I could take part in that project. After I finished my project, there was another opportunity. This opportunity was much more challenging than before and had more responsibility, which was becoming The Executive Board of AIESEC Local Committee Universitas Diponegoro. Finally I also got elected to become a Executive Board in AIESEC.

Surely, becoming X+L will give you a life changing and unforgettable experience, an experience that you could not find anywhere else but in AIESEC. Complete your X+L experience and feel the changing inside you.

I have lived in my Exchange and Leadership experience. What about you?

AIESECly Yours,

Monday, August 15, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - The Story of Fátima's (Portugal) Exchange Experience


Green Light Army Project

As an AIESECer in Portugal, I feel really grateful to be a part of the the Green Light Army Project, and work with this amazing OC’s from AIESEC UNDIP that has only one goal: create na impact in society in what concerns to preverve our environment.
Saturday, 13th August, we did a Roadshow in Junior High School 5 of Semarang wich participated arround 8 exchange membres, from Germany, Portugal, Austria, Ceko and Russia. This roadshow consisted in sharing about our behaviors in our hometows.  For that, we separeted in groups, one EP for each group with 25 students each, and show them a presentation about our country and talked about the problem that afect them directly: the pollution in Semarang and in the whole Indonesia as well. About me, I really loved to share with my group of students. They were warmfull on welcoming me, and I really felt like home. The students were proactives and very opened about getting to know more about what we do in Portugal, I was very surprised and amaized at the same time. I talk about how much Portugal cares about nature, recycling and using renewable ressources, like sun, wind and waves. I tried to pass the image that Portugal has been a green country, and preserving is kind of “fashion” and it’s not that difficult if everyone slowly changes their bad behaviors and replace them to good and simple habits. After all, we discuss about solutions and decided all together that we’re going to take care of the future, because as Portugal it’s a beautiful and full of nature country, also Indonesia has an incredible and indescriptable beauty that I’ve ever seen.
Be a part of this project it’s certainly an experience that I’ll will always take with me. Thank you AIESEC UNDIP for this opportunity!
COME, LOOK AND SAVE THE EARTH!                                          
Fátima (Portugal)

AIESECly Yours,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - The Story of Ania's Exchange Experience

AIESEC UNDIP - Ania in Indrokilo
AIESEC UNDIP- Indrokilo Experience

Indrokilo village is one of the few places in Central Jawa offering an eco-tourist experience, located only half an hour by car from Semarang. 

Last week (29th -30th August), a two-day eco-tourism camp was organized in Indrokilo by the student organization AIESEC, as part of  “The Green Light Army Project”, which focuses on environmental education. Participants included local high school and university students, as well as a couple of foreign interns, spending their summer on voluntary work in Semarang.

The two days that I spent in Indrokilo with my friends were truly an unforgettable experience. It was extremely interesting to see what a Javanese villager’s life is really like, not only enjoying the hospitality and traditional food, but also sharing daily activities - there was no room for boredom in between. The activities included cow milking, coffee harvesting and making, hill trekking, a traditional rebana show and an eco-lesson for local children.

Milking cows under the watchful eye of the farmers was not only lots of fun but also satisfaction –I had no idea that warm fresh milk with a pinch of ginger and sugar could be so delicious. The traditional rebana show was pleasant to the ear and to the eye, thanks to the traditional outfits of local musicians, but I think the bit that we enjoyed the most was a music lesson given to us at the end, when we could actually play the instruments!

The walk up the hill to reach the coffee harvesting site was amazing itself, full of beautiful sceneries. And at the top, tasting fresh coffee seeds and being taught how to harvest (not as easy as it seems!) was definitely worth the climb, especially since in the village we continued the coffee-making process, at the end of which we had delicious cups of fresh-made coffee. 

The best part of the weekend for me personally was however having the possibility to interact with the local children and show them what they can do to help preserve the beauty of the village and the environment that surrounds us. Seeing how willing they are to learn and how quickly they grasp the topic was very rewarding.  

I believe that the weekend at Indrokilo was enriching for both – the participants and the community, as it showed to all how important it is to preserve the local culture, as well as the environment around us. (Ania-Poland)

AIESEC UNDIP - All the participants of Cold Camp at Indrokilo Ungaran

About the author:
The author is a student from Poland, currently doing an internship in Semarang at local environmental NGO – Yayasan Bina Karta Lestari (BINTARI Foundation)

AIESECly Yours,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - NSN-InJaption Road Show to High Schools


The Student of YSKI listened to the explanation about HIV/AIDS from Lance Liao, one of the EPs that involved in NSN InJaption Project.

AIESEC UNDIP - Started from 19th until 26th of July 2011,  the NSN INJAPTION Project of AIESEC LC UNDIP-stands for Nokia Siemens Network– Indonesia Japan in Action!- held roadshow in the various Senior High Schools in Semarang. Involving 20 Exchange Participants, namely students from foreign countries who are collaborating on this project. They are from Taiwan, China, Japan, Russia, Romania, Brazil, India, etc.The event itself responded positively by students with up to 800 students educated, which aimed to provide education about HIV / AIDS. "The event was really cool, they could meet foreigner and learn English for free," said one student from senior high school from YSKI on Wednesday(20/07/2011). We provided counseling on HIV / AIDS with a variety of forms like Roleplay, presentations, videos and games during the Road Show.

AIESECly Yours

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Big Road Show of 'Green Light Army Project'


AIESEC UNDIP - Hundred students were coming to Green Light Army Project Big Road Show at SMA N 1 Semarang

AIESEC UNDIP - On July, 14th 2011  The Green Light Army Project has held a BIG RAODSHOW at SMAN 1 Semarang with the theme was “ The Earth is Our Breath” started at 1pm. This event was aimed to change the mindset of the participants (Junior High School students in Semarang) so that they more concern with the environment and invited them to do simple things to have a major impact.

On the opening, the participant watched together the video about environmental problems. After watching the videos, the participant guided to follow sharing session with the Exchange Participants from the UK , Poland, and China. 

Hopefully through this event students can be more concerned about environment, by taking the first step with their own way to keep the earth saved and comfortable to be lived in. 

AIESECly Yours,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

AIESEC UNDIP - Cold Camp at Mountain


AIESEC UNDIP - Cold Camp at Mountain info
AIESEC UNDIP - As our concern for developing young people to be leaders that care of global issue and give positive impact on society, we are now having "Green Light Army Project". This project concerns in environment and aims to increase the awareness of people to live in friendly environmental life and care of the earth. As the second event, we're going to hold "Cold Camp at Mountain" on July 29th-30th 2011 in Indrokilo Village, Ungaran.

This 2 days 1 night camp is opened for all, starts from Junior High School students until University students or even older. With ticket fee Rp.110.000/person or Rp.200.000/2people, participants will get tons of experience, includes:
+ Milk cows
+ Plant trees
+ Make traditional coffee
+ Make compost
+ Certificate
+ Transportation
+ Accommodation for 1 night
+ Sharing from Exchange Participants from UK, Switzerland, China, Poland
+ and many more

So, what are you waiting for? For Junior High School students and older, Let's Join Cold Camp at Mountain, show your Leadership, and spread impact bigger by taking care of the environment!
Register yourself now to:
Wisda (089668383614)
Intan (085697539128)

AIESECly Yours,