Exchange Experience

Check these pictures out! Our friends from Indonesia already been a part of AIESEC Global Exchange Program. They had their life-changing experience abroad through AIESEC and it changed their life a lot. They are students just like you, will you create your own life-changing experience stories?

Galih Astrotamma, alumnus of AIESEC UNDIP, had 1 year exchange experience in India

Vherlly Surjaatmadja, student of UNDIP, had 1,5 months exchange experience in Taiwan

Aghnia Rahmi, student of UGM, had 1,5 months exchange experience in Ukraine

Azby Irsalina Izazi Sajida, student of UGM, had 1,5 months exchange experience in China

Mohammad Mirza Anugerah, student of UGM, had 1,5 months exchange experience in Russia

and many more! Will you be a part of AIESEC Global Exchange Program and create your own life-changing experience stories?

Don't think twice to apply for Exchange to :
Amanda : 085641171175
Aldy : 081388953719

AIESECly Yours,

p.s. : click on to the pictures and zoom it in if you want to read the stories