Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Roadshow PBoX ROAR 2011 in SMA 11 Semarang


Since January 20th we've been having Roadshow of PBoX ROAR 2011 (Project Based on eXchange Red Ribbon Alert 2011, project that concerns to HIV/AIDS prevention) to several Senior High Schools in Semarang. This Roadshow aims to socialize them about HIV/AIDS and raise the awareness of highschool students to HIV/AIDS.
SMAN 11 Semarang was the second school which was socialized as a series of Red Ribbon Alert PBoX 2011events. This event was held on Saturday, 22th of January 2011 starting at 11pm-1am at Physics Laboratory of SMAN 11 Semarang.
About 40 students came to this Roadshow, which consists of 1st and 2nd year students. The Roadshow was opened by the MC which were Widya Nur Hidayati and Muhamy Akbar, and then speech from Mrs.Nur as the Headmaster of School, and project introduction by Muhammad Yogi Fajri as Organizing Committee President.
The students asked enthusiastically when some Organizing Committees were explaining about HIV/AIDS. Not only paying attention to the presentation, some students were invited to demonstrate a rollplay about modes of transmission of the virus. There were also pre-test and post test how far their understanding about HIV AIDS.
The last but not least was sharing of EPs (Exchange Participant) from Nigeria (Onyinye) and from China (Jenny) about HIV AIDS condition in their country.
That's all the update about PBoX ROAR 2011 and see you in the next update :)

Coming soon : Launching PBoX ROAR 2011, February 5th 2011 in Vina House Semarang at 10am.

AIESECly Yours,
 All the students while doing the pre-test before the presentation about HIV/AIDS

 All the students and the AIESECers at SMA 11 Semarang
The students were being active in the Roadshow

1 comment:

eri said...

the student is too serious to listen
the presentator..
nice to get.. that.
visit my referent in..
eckonomics jurnals.